This month we're working on expanding our platform to more open minded students in the Spotsylvania area! With much of the latest controversy concerning the school board in recent months, we felt the need to reach out to more students, as the school board is laying the ground for a better area of communication between students and local leaders.
Following the creation of our new website, we are looking for more writers and student investigators to fill a leadership position! If you are interested in becoming a part of the SCSU community in any way, please email us at scsuofficial@gmail.com! Also, find us on Instagram, @scsu_official
SCSU is working on starting a club at Spotsylvania High School! If you are a student with a Spotsylvania schools email, please email our co-owner, and coordinator Caden Dodson.
Finally, if you are a student in Spotsylvania, and your domain email/computer is blocking our links, just go to the following website, by clicking or copying: https://scsublog.wixsite.com/website
Make sure to sign our petition to remove CRT and related books from schools:
More information and sites are available on our 'Resources" page.
Thank you!
-SCSU President